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The Highway


Welcome to The Highway

The Highway is part of the Post 16 department. Our timetable includes core subjects of English and Maths as well as ICT, PSHE, Enterprise and Health and Wellbeing. We have accreditation units to work towards and we encourage independent living and experiences to get ready for work and the next chapter in our learners' lives. We use local environments to apply the skills taught in the classroom to a practical use. We strive to encourage a healthy lifestyle, through physical exercise, healthy eating and being able to regulate our emotional wellbeing. We put a lot of emphasis on communication and encourage all methods of communication to enable our young learners to progress in their lives, both at Brooke and beyond.

Learning Showcase

Exciting moments from Deer will appear in this space, including any pictures or videos we take.  Please keep checking in, in order to see what the learners have been up to!

Autumn 2024

This term the Highway have enjoyed a visit from local Police officers for their community and culture lesson. They have also enjoyed making Christmas gifts for family and learning new skills in their Asdan lessons. We have also been challenging themselves in maths, learning about halving and doubling. In English we have loved reading "When Jelly had a wobble".
