Badger class is a Key Stage 4 class, our timetable includes the core subjects English, Reading and Maths as well as Health and Well-Being, RHSE, PE and Science. We also begin the learners' Independent Living accreditation units which focus on preparing learners for life beyond school; this includes trips to the local community to practise and apply skills taught in the classroom. We strive to develop close relationships with learners to support their physical, emotional and communication needs as well as supporting their academic progress.
Exciting moments from Badger will appear in this space, including any pictures or videos we take. Please keep checking in, in order to see what the learners have been up to!
Badger class have been learning about different metals and rate of reactions this term. They spent time learning about the reactivity series before learning how to write up a full investigation, looking at the rate of a reaction. They made a prediction about which chocolate would melt the fastest based on its properties such as the percentage of cocoa in each.
In DT, they worked on designing and creating a steady hand game fit for their chosen target audience, for this they needed to use their prior knowledge of building a complete working circuit. Some learners chose to have a light bulb and buzzer while others chose to just use a buzzer.
In English, Badger class have been looking at a non-fiction text about Queen Elizabeth I and Queen Victoria this half term. They spent time gathering key facts about each, creating a timeline and discussing the impact they had on Britian at the time of their reign, before creating a poster about their chose Queen and presenting them to some other classes.