Turtle class is a communication friendly environment in which our learners are able to explore different methods of communication to find the best fit for them. We follow a holistic, nurturing and engaging sensory curriculum that is adapted to remove any barriers to learning that any of our learners may be presented with. We place emphasis on building positive relationships and hope for our learners to recognise trusted adults within the school as well as form friendships with peers. We recognise the importance of sensory regulation and appreciate that it is only when regulated, we can learn. Therefore, our timetable offers flexibility for sensory regulation and provides our learners with opportunity to self-regulate throughout the day, to enable them to feel calm, safe and ready to learn.
Exciting moments from Turtle will appear in this space, including any pictures or videos we take. Please keep checking in, in order to see what the learners have been up to!
In Turtle class we focus on developing confident and happy learners who are equipped with independence and skills needed to make the most of their learning to each individual need. We learn best through our play-based learning tasks and encourage learners to develop their social interaction skills with their peers in class. As a team we are always looking to provide the very best learning experiences for our learners through fun, laughter and nurture. We look forward to welcoming learners to Turtle class.
This half term in English we have looked at the text 'Somebody Swallowed Stanley' by Sarah Roberts, where we found that this thought-provoking picture book charts the eventful journey made by Stanley, a discarded plastic carrier bag, who is swept into the sea. We decided as a class that we needed to start saying "No more plastic" and "Save our Seas" to help all of the sea creatures and our planet Earth get rid of the plastic pollution problem. We looked into the correct ways of discarding rubbish through a range of practical activities and found different ways we could use a plastic bag, such as carrying our food shopping or even making it into and flying it like a kite! We then took a deep dive on what we needed to make a fact file before we then created our own on a Sea Turtle. Learners then spent a week looking at poems, identifying rhyming words through a range of games and rhyming baskets and with the aid of a colourful semantics structure, created our own shape poem using one the of the characters from the story as our inspiration.
This half term, Turtle class have been practicing their culinary skills within their Food Technology lessons. Learners have practiced their knife skills and have prepared fruit and vegetables, some learners mastering to fan their food! Learners tasted and evaluated the food items which helped them to create their final dish of 'dips and dippers' using their preferred vegetable and dip.