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The Junction at Harris School


The Junction at Harris Admission Criteria

The Junction at Harris is for Secondary age pupils whose cognition and learning is below age related expectation, but does not meet the criteria for a Generic Special School provision. Pupils will show potential to work towards mainstream accreditation. Brooke School staff will support the Junction pupils in accessing Harris classrooms. On some occasions Brooke staff will support the Junction pupils outside of the classroom for individual interventions, however, this should not be needed for the majority of the time. Where appropriate there may also be opportunities for the Junction pupils to access some learning at Brooke School. This will be decided in conjunction with parents, Harris and Brooke staff.


Referrals for admission will come from the Local Authority. The referrals are considered by the Senior Leadership Team at Brooke School to ensure that the following criteria are met.


  • Age Range: Year 7 -11
  • All pupils will have an EHCP
  • Pupils have the Reading and Writing Skills that will allow them to partake in the majority of classroom activities (this may be through the use of ICT).
  • Pupil’s performance in English Maths and ICT should indicate potential to achieve at least Functional Skills Entry Level 2
  • Pupils will have the ability to verbally communicate their needs
  • Pupils are able to manage the majority of their time in a mainstream class on a daily basis
  • SEMH is not the primary need of the pupil