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Welcome to Seahorse Class

In Seahorse class, we encourage the learners to engage through real life learning opportunities to make it purposeful for them with a clear structure. This enables them to make links to their own experiences and promotes discussions where they can learn from one another. We provide a safe and stimulating learning environment for the individuals to thrive in and believe every minute of the day can be a learning opportunity and continuously set high expectations. We value the importance of regular wellbeing check-ins throughout the day and encourage the learners to use an appropriate strategy to self-regulate and talk to a familiar adult if they need to. We demonstrate pride in our work and can't wait to show you all the things we get up to over the year. 

Seahorse Makaton Sign

Still image for this video

Learning Showcase

Exciting moments from Seahorse will appear in this space, including any pictures or videos we take.  Please keep checking in, in order to see what the learners have been up to!

Spring 2 2024


During the Spring Term Seahorse Class have been very busy in English; we have explored the texts That Rabbit Belongs to Emily Brown, we used this to explore using adjectives to describe to create LOST posters for our favourite toys. We have also explored the text The Bog baby, again we are applying our adjectives knowledge to write character and setting descriptions. In Maths learners explores length and height, they ordered objects from shortest to longest and tallest before measuring using non-standard and standard units of measure. They then used part whole models with concrete and pictorial representations to add and subtract. In science learners have explored lots of ways to keep our bodies healthy, they tried food from all food groups, experienced different types of exercise and then explored models of lungs and the heart. In Geography learners explored the theme of "restless Earth", they learnt about how earthquakes and volcanoes happen the damage they can cause. In History learners have been learning all about the development of the police from the Bow Street Runners to modern ay police. In DT learners carried out research into different pop-up book mechanisms before planning and creating their own books. 

Summer 1 2024


During Summer 1 Seahorse Class have explored the text Potion Commotion; they made predictions about the text using images and sensory experiences before exploring ands retelling the story using sensory props. Learners then changes key features from the text and wrote their own mixed up, silly stories making sure there was a character, setting, problem and resolution or a twist. In Maths learners recapped identifying and representing numbers before applying their knowledge to estimating. Learners also identified, recognised and describes 2D and 3D shapes in the environment. Finally, in maths learners used the comparison signs to compare numbers, some learners extended to comparing addition and subtraction calculations. In science began our topic all about grouping and classifying materials, they explored solids and liquids in a range of ways and compared the way that some solids have liquid like properties e.g. rice. In Geography Seahorse Class learnt all about rivers, floods and disasters; they explored rainfall, different surfaces, how rain interacts with different surfaces, how drains work and what happens when they're blocked. They also made and flooded Duplo houses. In music learners explored tempo, learnt a poem, a chant and a song about a mouse and a snail to explore fast and slow drumming. 
