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Welcome to Shark Class

In Shark class our team aim to make all learners feel safe, special, and happy. We adapt the curriculum to meet all learners needs and to make learning fun! We aim to make learning fun by incorporating play-based and creative learning into our timetable. Shark class has a communication friendly environment so that all children’s needs are met. We like to go on lots of trips to add context to our learning. We provide children with lots of opportunities to be independent, this helps to increase their confidence and self-esteem. We are looking forward to sharing some of our exciting learning opportunities with you.

Shark Makaton Sign

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Learning Showcase

Exciting moments from Shark will appear in this space, including any pictures or videos we take.  Please keep checking in, in order to see what the learners have been up to!

Spring 2


This half term in my Place in the World we have enjoyed exploring the theme ‘Investigating the Geography of our School’. We began the topic by exploring places around school. We then explored environments near school, including the Co-op and Fish Shop. Learners used directional language to plan routes around school and the local area.

Summer 1 2024


In Summer term 1 Shark class read the story "The treasure of Captain Frank." We explored a sensory tuff tray to introduce the story with a blue jelly sea around a biscuit and cake island. Learners dressed up as pirates and enjoyed exploring different settings in the story. The learners then made their own volcanoes using paper mâché and we made them erupt using vinegar and bicarbonate soda. We went on to write a postcard imagining we were on a desert island. 


We explored plants in our science topic and identified different types of plants and their similarities and differences. Learners enjoyed exploring fruit and vegetables donated to us grown on an allotment in Rugby. The learners used there senses to explore the vegetables focusing on the whole plant including roots and leaves. 


Shark explored many areas in maths and ended the half term exploring fractions focusing on making half of a shape. Learners were able to cut pizza and bread in half and then enjoy these for snack if they wished. 
