In Dolphin class, our primary aim is to create a safe, nurturing learning environment in which our learners can grow and develop at the pace appropriate to their needs. We place a strong emphasis on functional communication and interactions, developing each learner's individual modes of communication. In Dolphin we follow a weekly timetable which includes sessions of English, Maths, Topic, PSHE and Protective Behaviours, PE, Science and Forest School. As well as fun and engaging whole class opportunities, individual activities are differentiated according to learners' targets and areas for development. We use a variety of learning modes within a communication-friendly classroom environment to engage our learners, with play based and sensory opportunities linked to our curriculum. Building positive and trusting relationships is the number one goal of the staff in Dolphin class, which then sets the foundation for purposeful learning and progress.
Exciting moments from Dolphin class will appear in this space, including any pictures or videos we take. Please keep checking in, in order to see what the learners have been up to!
We have been exploring money and positioning in maths with the help of our new friend Poppy. Listening to "The owl who was afraid of the dark" in English and sequencing and following instructions to create our own fireworks painting. Also comparing Tudors to modern day In History and using our own stiching skills to create a Christmas pillow. We have very much enjoyed food technology as we explored where our food comes from and made lots of yummy treats.