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Welcome to Dolphin Class

In Dolphin class, our primary aim is to create a safe, nurturing learning environment in which our learners can grow and develop at the pace appropriate to their needs.  We place a strong emphasis on functional communication and interactions, developing each learner's individual modes of communication. In Dolphin we follow a weekly timetable which includes sessions of English, Maths, Topic, PSHE and Protective Behaviours, PE, Science and Forest School.  As well as fun and engaging whole class opportunities, individual activities are differentiated according to learners' targets and areas for development.  We use a variety of learning modes within a communication-friendly classroom environment to engage our learners, with play based and sensory opportunities linked to our curriculum. Topics include My Town, Festivals and Celebrations, Victorians, Transport and Hot and Cold Countries. Building positive and trusting relationships is the number one goal of the staff in Dolphin class, which then sets the foundation for purposeful learning and progress.

Dolphin Makaton Sign

Still image for this video

Learning Showcase

Exciting moments from Dolphin class will appear in this space, including any pictures or videos we take.  Please keep checking in, in order to see what the learners have been up to!

Spring 2024


This term we have been reading ‘Who ate Stanley?’ and learning about sea creatures and pollution. In maths we are doing adding and subtracting then position and, colour and patterns. Our history topic is the Anglo Saxons looking at what we know about Anglo Saxon life. In food technology we are looking at local produce, where our food comes from and how to follow a recipe. Design technology is about exploring structures and how to make a strong chair for baby bear. Science this half term will be light and shadow learning what makes shadows and, day and night.

Summer 1 2024


In Dolphin class we have been exploring all kinds of new and exciting things. For example, in English we have been reading “James and the Giant Baked Bean stalk” where we ventured up our very own beanstalk (which we made ourselves) to find the scary giant!

In maths we have learned about time and the days of the week. In Art we have been using clay to create our very own clay tiles. We have been very busy in Forrest school. We have explored lots of different stories and created our own bird feeders, our very own gardens and have been hunting for different leaves and flowers.


