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Welcome to Squirrel Class

Squirrel is a Post 16 class. Our timetable includes the core subjects of English and Maths. We also have lessons in ICT, PHSE and Careers. We work towards our Personal Progress Units which help to prepare us for our lives beyond school. We also look forward to enjoying more physical activities during the week, to promote a healthy lifestyle and support self regulation. Many of these sessions are linked to accreditation units which evidence the good learning taking place, for school and beyond. We use a variety of communication strategies to develop and improve the communication of learners in preparation for them moving on beyond Brooke school. We look forward to welcoming learners into Squirrel class.

Squirrel Makaton Sign

Still image for this video

Learning Showcase

Exciting moments from Squirrel will appear in this space, including any pictures or videos we take.  Please keep checking in, in order to see what the learners have been up to!

Spring 2 2024


This term in English we have focused on 'The Bog Baby' and used this text to explore instructions. Learners have explored instructions by sequencing steps by matching and following instructions to take care of their very own Bog Baby. In our Maths lessons learners have had the opportunity develop language associated to measurement through engaging practical activity. Learners have continued to develop and maintain positive relationships with staff and peers and have had daily opportunities to develop their social and independence skills. 

Summer 1 2024


In English we have been using our focus text ‘Potion Commotion’ to explore lists. We have looked at lists in the book, followed and created lists for different purposes such as shopping, packing and regulation activities such as our physical checklists.


In maths we have been focusing on money and using different coins and notes in role play activities and real life situations. We have visited local shops such as Coop, Lidl and Sainsburys to use our money in exchange for items.


In Science our topic has been ‘The Maintence of Life’. We have been focusing on animals and food chains. To deepen our understanding, we visited Twycross Zoo to look at animals and what they eat. 


We have also enjoyed our weekly Open Theatre sessions, swimming and Forest School this half term. 
