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Welcome to Owl Class

Owl class is part of the Post 16 cohort and in this class, learners will work towards completing their Entry Level Functional Skills qualifications in English, Maths and ICT. Functional Skills are nationally recognised qualifications that support learners to move onto further education provisions. In this class, learners will develop their skills, knowledge, and experience to become as independent as possible. Learners will attend sessions at St. Andrew’s café and individualised work experience that is heavily linked to our students’ future aspirations. Alongside this, learners will work towards completing the Duke of Edinburgh award and will work towards completing the four sections of the DofE: Physical, Volunteering, Skills, and Expedition. Here, learners will increase their confidence, resilience and team building skills which will in turn empower our students to become ready for adulthood. Our trained and highly skilled team will support learners in enabling them to manage and support their emotional regulation, use of effective communication and independent skills to achieve both academically and personally.

Owl Makaton Sign

Still image for this video

Learning Showcase

Exciting moments from Owl will appear in this space, including any pictures or videos we take.  Please keep checking in, in order to see what the learners have been up to!

Summer 1 2024



During Summer 1 the learners completed their Bronze Awards for their Duke of Edinburgh, finishing off their skills criteria in woodwork, sewing papercraft and event planning. They also completed the walking portion of the award where they went to Draycote Water and Long Itchington. Some of the learners then participated in the camping and stayed one or two nights at school, putting up the tents and sleeping over.


This term the learners also participated in a muffin enterprise where they conducted market research into popular muffin flavours, sizes and packaging. They then designed their own muffins and presented a pitch to Jenny from Dahmier who would then choose a winning pitch and make their muffin.


We are very proud of Owl Class and everything they achieved this term.
