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Welcome to Panda Class

Here in Panda class we aim to create a fun-filled, stimulating, and meaningful learning environment. Our teaching covers many aspects of the Early Years Foundation Stage and the Key Stage One Curriculum. Our learners engage and thrive through the delivery of a play based, sensory and active teaching approach that embraces some aspects of formal teaching practice. Our topics this year include, Toys from the Past, Looking After Myself, Festivals and Celebrations, In the Home and Jungle Animals. Embedded within our topic themes lie opportunities for our learners to access a broad and balanced curriculum that is full of new experiences. Our nurturing and child-centred approach encourages our leaners to develop a resilient, ‘have a go’ attitude.  

Panda Makaton Sign

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Panda Class Timetable

Learning Showcase

Exciting moments from Panda class will appear in this space, including any pictures or videos we take.  Please keep checking in, in order to see what the learners have been up to!

Spring 2 2024


In Maths, The Panda class have spent time counting, reading and writing numbers, we are now measuring heights and lengths. We can sort objects into short and tall. 


We are learning about toys in the past, present and future in History. It has been fun playing with all the different toys and exploring what they are made of. We have noticed many toys in the past were made of wood. 


For Science we have been growing plants and we planted sunflowers, runner beans and tomatoes. The sunflowers have started to grow! We are finding out what a plant needs to survive and what helps them grow well. This links well with our food technology topic where we are discovering where food comes from and cooking filo pasties. 

Summer 1 2024


The Panda class have had a great time this term.


For Careers week we found out about different jobs, thought about our goals and strengths. We enjoyed trying brick laying and experienced a beauty salon in the classroom.


We have cooked/made lots of heathy food this term from various salads to egg muffins. It has been fun seeing the children's chopping skills improve and some are excellent at measuring ingredients out carefully. 


The Treasure of Pirate Frank is fabulous book and we have created settings from this story and described them. We even made some messy ones such as the swamp where the bullfrogs sing. The children enjoyed pretending to be pirates hunting for treasure in the pirate ship. 


In Science we have dissected plants, made observations of the differences between species of plants and measured them. 


Our Geography topic was the local area, and we made a map of Overslade Lane, found our houses in google maps and investigated different places in the school. We loved visiting the Squirrel class and the Octopus class. We found out that they have similar learning resources to us, and we now know where some of our siblings and transport friends study. 
