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Thank you for taking the time to find out about our school. I believe that it is a privilege for any school to be given the responsibility of educating a young person. I am proud to be leading Brooke School and the team of professionals sharing with you our commitment to our pupils.


Brooke School is a vibrant community where staff, parents and many other agencies work in partnership to ensure that every pupil receives the very best possible education and support.


Our dedicated staff team recognise that communication is at the heart of all learning and develop individualised learning opportunities to maxmise interaction. We relentlessly strive to create a learning environment where all pupils can feel safe and stimulated, inspired and supported in preparation for their future lives. Our staff are dedicated to ensure the best outcomes for our young people. We recognise that sometimes students may require additional support and we work closely with agencies such as Social Care, Physiotherapists and School Nurses to meet the needs of the whole individual.


Our aim is to develop our students as rounded individuals through a balanced curriculum. The curriculum is nurturing, challenging and inspiring that also develops our pupils' social skills required for the whole of their adult life. This is enhanced through targeted interventions.


We believe that equality and mutual respect for all is essential, upholding the British Values that embrace those with different faiths, lifestyles and beliefs.


We have high standards and expectations in terms of all round development and behaviour whilst always celebrating achievement and success at all levels.


Please do not hesitate to email or call to find our more about our wonderful school.






